Looking for songwriting and production tips?
We’ve All Been There
“I’m going to write a new song today!”
Then it hits you like a train… the dreaded writers block
You want to be an independent artist but you’re lacking inspiration for your next song.
You want to be a prolific songwriter but you don’t have time to finish off those pesky demos clogging up your hard drive.
You look forward to making music and then get crippled at the realisation of how tough this industry can be.
“How’s your music thing going?”
- Your Aunty… Probably.
Let’s get you out of that rut!
It’s not about becoming an overnight success. It’s about realising the challenges involved, preparing for them and enjoying the process of tackling them.
Get yourself out of a jam…
You know that you were put on this earth to do music but sometimes it just feels like you wouldn’t know what a good lyric looked like if one walked up and slapped you in the face. Those moments can really weigh you down and bring you to the point of wanting to pack it all in and “get a real job.” You could just need a good source of inspiration. That’s what we’re here for.
Finish More Tracks
You go from one unfinished idea to the next and think “it’s okay I’ll come back to that” only to find that when you do, you’ve lost all the excitement you once felt about that song. Let’s get more results from the time that you commit to music and reduce the amount of demos that won’t see the light of day.
Free Forever
You’ve got enough outgoings as an independent artist. There is always a new service or subscription to drain your hard earned cash. This helping hand will not be one of them.
Let’s show your aunty what you’re made of…